To see
Seeing new horizons - Creating new paths
In our lives we all experience times where a general overhaul seems in order. Our strategies and recipes of success are not longer working or no longer satisfy.
In such phases of change it is worth spending time in coaching sessions, trying on different lenses to review and redesign your thought patterns and assumptions, bringing new vistas to light.
When you see more, you will recognize new opportunities faster and stay in the flow more easily. And over time, previously unimagined potentials may unfold.
The result: finding and walking your path in harmony with yourself and aligned with your inner pupose.
“Unless we bring the seeing eye, we shall not see the vision.”
Because we can only recognize new horizons and goals if we maintain a clear view.


I support you in finding a meaningful path forward for life and work.
With lightness, sensitivity and encouraging ideas.
- Are you facing a major life-changing decision?
- Are you searching for a new professional perspective?
- Are you in need of a vision for a new phase of life?
- Is your personal or professional life due for an overhaul or realignment?
- Do you sense that the current status is calling for change without knowing exactly which way to go?
- Do you feel trapped in your current situation and are looking to set sail for new shores?

Our coaching conversations will open up new perspectives for you. As a partner on eye level I work with you to first clarify your situation and then create a safe space in which you can question your current perspective, explore different possibilities and develop a strategy for your next steps.
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Wir sprechen über Wesentliches, erkunden deine aktuelle Situation und überholen alte Gedankenmuster, die deinem weiteren Weg nicht mehr zuträglich sind. Wir werfen den Blick auf bisher ungenutzte Potenziale und schauen in die Zukunft, die für dich entstehen will.
Ko-kreativ entwickeln wir neue Ideen und Perspektiven für deine nächsten Schritte.
Nach Bedarf setze ich außerdem erprobte Persönlichkeitsinstrumente ein.
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We will talk about essential issues, explore your current situation and overhaul old thoguht patterns that no longer serve your path. We will then focus on previously unused potentials and look to the future that is unfolding before you.
Co-creatively we develop new ideas and strategies for the next steps on your path.
If it resonates with you and supports your process, I can also work with your astrological birth chart.

- A backpack with the essence of extensive life experience and highly diverse training and education
- A compassionate heart for people with growing pains and uneven life paths
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- Einen klaren Blick für das Wesentliche
- Ein tiefes Bewusstsein für die höheren Ebenen des Seins und den evolutionären Weg des Menschen im Sinne seiner geistig-spirituellen Entwicklung
- Ein untrügliches Gespür für Chancen und Potenziale auch in vermeintlich schwierigen Situationen
- Eine geschulte und transparente Intuition
- Einen durch regelmäßige spirituelle und meditative Praxis geklärten Geist
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- A clear eye for essence
- Deep-seated consciousness for higher levels of existence and the evolutionary path of human beings in their spiritual development
- An uncanny sense for opportunities and potentials even in seemingly difficult situations
- A trained and transparent intuition
- An insightful mind cleared through regular spiritual and meditation practice

First there is a free 20 minute session to clarify the following questions:
- What is your situation and question?
- How could I help you with this issue?
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Wenn die Chemie stimmt, vereinbaren wir eine oder mehrere Sessions – je nach Anliegen und Bedarf. Und dann geht es los: mit Freude und Leichtigkeit erkunden wir dein Themenfeld und entdecken gemeinsamen neue Perspektiven und Potenziale.
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If the chemistry is right, we agree on one or more sessions – depending on your issue and needs. And then we take it from there: with joy and ease we explore your issue and discover new perspectives and potentials for your path.
About me
I was born in Wesseling, Germany, and have lived in many different places around the world until I settled in Berlin. Many moves and career changes have brought me into contact with a great variety of diverse people.
Because my own life path has not been straightforward, having to reinvent myself at regular intervals, I have learned a lot about processes of change and transformation. Supported by intensive studies of philosophical, psychological and spiritual literature as well as certifications as a coach and as an astrologer, I have mastered a wide range of methods and approaches to get to the core of people and their issues.
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Ein paar Daten
- Studium der Politikwissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie
- Zertifizierungen und Akkreditierungen als Coach (ICF), TMS Practitioner, Symbolon-Spezialistin, Strategiecoach nach Mewes und Astrologin (DAV)
- Weiterbildungen in Tavistock Group Relations, ORSC u.a.
- Über 10 Jahre Erfahrung mit Führungsverantwortung im Personalbereich, besonders internationale Personalentwicklung (Learning & Development)
- Seit 2003 selbständig als Coach & Beraterin, seit 2019 mit Organic Strategies
Ich freue mich darauf, dich kennenzulernen!
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It is my greatest pleasure to guide and support people with my knowledge and my wealth of experience on their path of development.
A few facts
- Studies in political science, economics and philosophy
- Certifications and accreditations as Coach (ICF), TMS Practitioner, Symbolon Specialist, Strategy Coach (Mewes) and Astrologer (DAV)
- Further training in Tavistock Group Relations, ORSC etc.
- More than 12 years of experience with leadership responsibility in human resources, especially international Learning & Development
- Freelance coach & consultant since 2003, with Organic Strategies since 2019.
I look forward to getting to know you!