Understanding yourself through art


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Understanding yourself through art


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Where would you like to be?

If you want to break new ground in your life and career, you need to take a fresh look at your potentials – especially those that may have gone unnoticed and therefore underutilized. The Symbolon Personality Profile offers you deep insights into your inner world and potentials based on famous works of art.

With Symbolon, art functions as a mirror in which you can see and understand yourself in a new way. The rich language of the images leads you through a process of reflection into new spaces and to previously untapped sources of strength.

Mehr erfahren


In diesem Seminar finden Sie durch eine ganzheitliche Perspektiven auf Wandlungsprozesse Orientierung und Klarheit für Ihr ganz persönliches Thema.

Indem Sie die Kraft stärken, die Sie vollkommen neue und ungewohnte Wege beschreiten lässt, gewinnen Sie mehr Freiheit etwas Neues aufzubauen. Gleichzeitig erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Alte nach und nach würdig verabschieden können ohne sich aufzureiben.

Sie stellen sich innerlich neu auf, erkennen Ihre nächsten Schritte und können Ihren Weg mit Leichtigkeit beschreiten.


The Symbolon profile was specially developed to go beyond your current habits of seeing yourself and the world around you. By immersing yourself in landscapes and situations, fundamental shifts in perspective become possible, enabling you to start something new or achieve your goals with greater ease.

With their multiple layers of meaning, the carefully selected works of art help you  precisely determine your potential and your scope for action. The result is more energy and inner freedom.

The Symbolon® profile is available in three versions:

  • Mini for acute cases with 1 painting and 1.5 coaching hours
  • Basic for insights and potentials in a specific situation with 5 areas, licensed evaluation and 3 coaching hours
  • Intensive for fundamental questions and major changes in life and work with 17 areas, licensed evaluation and 8 coaching hours

I look forward to your inquiry!

Center Stage for Your Situation

In our first meeting, we will clarify your themes and questions in order to tailor your Symbolon® coaching specifically to your situation. After all, the journeys through the worlds of paintings are as individual as the people who walk through them with me.

What Becomes Possible for You

Coaching with the Symbolon profile shows you the wealth of your potential using lasting images and metaphors.

  • You come to a new understanding of yourself.
  • You create clarity for important decisions.
  • You break new ground for your future.

In the follow-up meeting, your insights are translated into concrete next steps.

Your Symbolon® Specialist

Swaan Barrett

Now is the time

Discover to power of your potentials!

Artworks are mirrors. The invisibile becomes visible, essentials can be seen.
Christine Kranz, Founder of Symbolon AG

Ready for a change
of perspective?


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