Focus for your life

Your Purpose

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Focus for your life

Your Purpose

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What do you stand for?

Your purpose is your meaningful contribution to the greater whole – what you do for others and what shapes your life and work in any role. It is the essence of how you contribute and the difference you make, whether at work, in your private life or in the community.

You are probably already living it – you just need to consciously recognize and verbalize it. This will give you direction in everyday life and in decision-making, especially for your time and energy management.

Learn more


In diesem Seminar finden Sie durch eine ganzheitliche Perspektiven auf Wandlungsprozesse Orientierung und Klarheit für Ihr ganz persönliches Thema.

Indem Sie die Kraft stärken, die Sie vollkommen neue und ungewohnte Wege beschreiten lässt, gewinnen Sie mehr Freiheit etwas Neues aufzubauen. Gleichzeitig erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Alte nach und nach würdig verabschieden können ohne sich aufzureiben.

Sie stellen sich innerlich neu auf, erkennen Ihre nächsten Schritte und können Ihren Weg mit Leichtigkeit beschreiten.



The discovery of your purpose begins with research into your life and work to date. By asking yourself specific questions, you will recognize a common theme and find the right words to express its essence.

Your purpose integrates your most important values as well as heard and mind. That’s why it feels easy and satisfying – not like a duty but more like a natural unfoldment of your inner essence. There is a sense of being effective in a flow, as if it happened by itself.


Discover your purpose

  • Using a worksheet you will search for the basic theme in your life and work.
  • In two coaching sessions we work out the commong thread and a fitting heading in just a few words.
  • Finally, you will spell out your purpose in just a few meaningful sentences.

What opens up for you

When you have a clear and simple wording for your purpose, you will gain

  • Knowledge about your strengths and what you can give to others
  • Direction for your activities in all walks of life and work
  • Focus for your time and energy management
  • Joy in consciously fulfilling your purpose
Swaan Barrett

What do you stand for?

Find meaning and direction through your purpose.

Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life... Thus, everyone's task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it.
Viktor Frankl

Ready for
your purpose?


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